Who Am I

God blessed me at an early age with a love for sewing. At the age of 4 I was caught by my mother sneaking a run on the family treadle Singer sewing machine. Wisely my mother did not forbid the practice but instead graciously encouraged it with choice donations of her own cutter's waster. Shortly there after again by God's grace was dressing my dolls in original high fashion creations. By the age of 10 or 11 clotheing was being sewn and by the the end of high school custom creations where being worn.

Being blessed with well developed tailoring skills the oppretunity to pursue dreams of becomeing a Marine Biologist.

These skills continued to bless through the early married years, furnish or should it be camouflage the "Handyman Special" first home of my early married years.

Gradually the creative, artistic use of the sewing machine started to emerge. And then with the discovery of the book "The Complete Book of Machine Embroidery" by Robbi Fanning in 1979, I was headed in the direction of Free Motion Machine Embroidery and Quilting. The idea of taking over the control of the fabric from the sewing machine and have the sewing machine do the stitching wherever you wanted it and by maneuvering the fabric to be stitched where you wanted it to be stitched was sheer creative revelation. This gave the needle of the sewing machine the creative freedom of a pen or brush. The sewing thread became the ink or paint. And, anything that the needle would go through became the paper or canvas.


Honors, Awards and Achievements

Blessed for more than 25 years as a winner of top prizes at local sewing, quilting and stitchery competitions.

Have Been blessed as an International award winner for the past two years for workmanship and design in the use of Free Monition Machine Embroidery Stitches. Husqvarna Viking International creative Challenges 2000 & 2001

Blessed with being the Winner of 1st Place in the Professional Wearable Art Category of the "Everyone Loves Sulky" Challenge 2002

Blessed with being the Winner of 2nd Place in the Professional Collection of the Husqvarna Viking International Creative Challenge 2003.

Honored with being the Author of the EAC (Embroidery Association of Canada) Correspondence Course of FMME (Free Motion Machine Embroidery)

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